Page:Mainland Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance (Cap. 597).pdf/16

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Ord. No. 9 of 2008

(2) No proceedings for the recovery of a sum payable under a Mainland judgment which would satisfy the requirements specified in section 5(2)(a) to (e) in an application for registration of the judgment under section 5(1), other than proceedings by way of registration of the judgment, shall be entertained in any court in Hong Kong.

23. Rules of court

(1) The power to make rules of court under section 54 of the High Court Ordinance (Cap. 4) shall include power to make rules for all or any of the following purposes—

(a) for making provisions with respect to the giving of security for costs by persons applying for registration of Mainland judgments;
(b) for making provisions with respect to restraining the disposal or transfer of assets of the judgment debtors;
(c) for prescribing the matters to be proved on an application for registration of a Mainland judgment and for regulating the mode of proving those matters;
(d) for providing information to courts in the Mainland on the status of enforcement in Hong Kong of a registered judgment and a Hong Kong judgment;
(e) for providing for the service on the judgment debtor of notice of the registration of a Mainland judgment;
(f) for prescribing the method by which any question arising under any provisions of this Ordinance as to whether a Mainland judgment is enforceable in the Mainland, or what interest is due under a Mainland judgment under the law of the Mainland, is to be determined;
(g) for making provisions with respect to the issue of certified copies of and certificates for Hong Kong judgments given by the Court of Final Appeal and the High Court under section 21(1) together with all related documents;
(h) for prescribing any matter which under any provisions of this Ordinance is to be prescribed by rules of court made under this subsection; and
(i) generally providing for the better carrying out of the purposes of this Ordinance.

(2) The power to make rules of court under section 72 of the District Court Ordinance (Cap. 336) shall include the power to make rules for all or any of the following purposes—