Page:Mainland Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance (Cap. 597).pdf/25

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Ord. No. 9 of 2008

(h) whether any notice of appeal against the judgment has been entered;
(i) the rate at which the judgment carries interest; and
(j) such other particulars as it may be necessary to give to the court in the Mainland in which it is sought to obtain execution of the judgment.
(5) The certificate shall be signed by the Registrar and sealed with the seal of the High Court.”.

The Rules of the District Court

3. Judgments and orders

Order 42 of the Rules of the District Court (Cap. 336 sub. leg. H) is amended by adding—

6. Certified copies of judgments (O. 42, r. 6)
(1) An application under section 21 of the Mainland Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance (9 of 2008) (in this rule referred to as “the Ordinance”) for a certified copy of a judgment given by the Court shall be made ex parte to the Registrar on affidavit.
(2) The affidavit shall—
(a) exhibit the original or a verified or certified or otherwise duly authenticated copy of the relevant choice of Hong Kong court agreement;
(b) give particulars of the proceedings in which the judgment was obtained;
(c) state the amount in respect of which the judgment remains unsatisfied at the date of the application;
(d) state whether the defendant did or did not object to the jurisdiction and, if he objected, on what grounds;
(e) state whether any action has been taken to enforce the judgment in Hong Kong and, if so, the details of such enforcement;
(f) show that the judgment is not subject to any stay of execution;
(g) state that the time for appealing has expired or, as the case may be, the date on which it will expire and in either case whether any notice of appeal against the judgment has been entered; and
(h) state the rate at which the judgment carries interest.