Jackson, Daydon, Index Kewensis and, 314
Jodrell Laboratory, Ward at, 262
━━ ━━ Williamson and, 259
Judd, on Williamson, 251
Jung, Linnaeus and, 15
━━ Ray and, 35
━━ Systematic botany and, 15
de Jussieu, de Candolle and, 41, 42
━━ classification and, 109, 134, 287
━━ Tournefort and Ray and, 42
Keeble, F., on Lindley, 164-177
Kew Gardens, Administration of, 309-310
━━ ━━ Bentham's gifts to, 140
━━ ━━ Hales and, 81
━━ ━━ Herbarium at, 305
━━ ━━ Herbarium and Library at, 141, 310
━━ ━━ Hill and, 93
━━ ━━ W. Hooker Director of, 127, 130, 133–4, 136–7, 140, 149
━━ ━━ the two Hookers at, 308-309
━━ ━━ Lindley and, 136-138, 169-170
━━ ━━ Mycological Herbarium at, 231
━━ ━━ Orchid Herbarium at, 170
━━ ━━ Thiselton-Dyer and, 81, 150, 203, 259
Kidston, Witham's collection and, 245
Kingia, R. Brown on, 117
King's Botanist, Alston as, 283
━━ ━━ Arthur as, 284
Knaut, work of, 26, 39
Lang, on Griffith, 178-191
Lankester, E., 193
Lankester, Ray, on Schizomycetes, 265
Lawes, agriculture and, 235
━━ Gilbert and, 235-236
━━ on nitrogen assimilation, 267
Leaves, classification on form of, 21
━━ movements of, 96-99
━━ structure and functions of, 96-97
━━ vernation of, 50
Leguminous nodules, Gilbert on, 239
━━ ━━ Hellriegel and, 240
━━ ━━ Ward on, 267
Lepidodendron, Williamson and, 258
Lichens, Ward on, 264, 270
Liebig, mineral theory of, 237-240
━━ controversy with Gilbert, 238
Light on plants, Hales and, 80, 81
━━ ━━ Hill on, 97
Lily disease, Ward on, 266, 267
Lindley, John, life of, 164-177
━━ ━━ activities of, 166
━━ ━━ J. Banks and, 168
━━ ━━ Botanical Register and, 174
Lindley, John, characteristics of, 177
━━ ━━ on cryptogams, 195
━━ ━━ on Darwin, 174
━━ ━━ Horticulture and, 171
━━ ━━ Hutton and, 245, 248
━━ ━━ Library and, 174, 177
━━ ━━ literary work of, 169-174
━━ ━━ Professorship of, 168, 169
━━ ━━ Williamson and, 250
Linnaeus, British botany and, 6
━━ Hope and, 286
━━ Jung and, 15
━━ on Morison and Cesalpino, 27-28, 42, 43
━━ on Ray, 38, 42, 43
━━ Taxonomy and, 6
━━ method, 2, 3, 39
━━ ━━ Adanson and, 41
━━ ━━ Hill and, 101-103
━━ ━━ England and, 39, 40
━━ period, 109, 134
━━ system, Alston on, 285
━━ ━━ Hope on, 289
━━ ━━ influence of, 193
Linnean school, influence of, 195
━━ Society, R. Brown and, 111, 112, 114, 121-124
━━ ━━ Berkeley and, 232
━━ ━━ Darwin-Wallace Celebration, 317, 318
━━ ━━ Griffith and, 183-185
━━ ━━ Harvey and, 207
━━ ━━ Ward and, 263, 264
━━ ━━ publications of, 184-186, 253
London University, Botany teaching at, 179
━━ ━━ Henslow and, 154
Loranthaceae, Griffith on, 185-186
Lotsy, morphology and, 186
Lycopods, Williamson and, 256
Lyell, Calamites and, 253
━━ J. H. Hooker and, 308, 320
━━ mutability of species and, 317
Lyginodendron, Williamson and, 256, 257
Malpighi, anatomy and, 44, 135, 286
━━ Grew and, 6, 48, 63
━━ Hales and, 67, 68, 81
━━ on seeds and seedlings, 35, 36
Manchester, Geological Society of, 245
━━ Natural History Society of, 249
━━ Professorship at, 250
━━ Ward and, 264
Mangroves, Griffith and, 186-187
Manures, experiments with, 234, 236, 237
━━ effect of, 237
━━ nitrogenous, 238
Marchantia, Henfrey on, 199
Massee, George, on Berkeley, 225-232
Materia Medica, Alston and, 285