Page:Malay Sketches.pdf/131

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The husband, Mĕgat Râja, was conveniently called away to accompany the Sultan on a journey to Penang and Che Nuh, the youth aforesaid, profiting by that opportunity, pushed his addresses with such fervour and success that he became the lady's lover.

Late one night when Che Nuh was in the house of his mistress, Měgat Râja unexpectedly returned and the first the lovers knew of the danger was the demand of the husband to be admitted. The house was a large one enclosed by a palisade, and Měriam thus suddenly surprised, and fearing instant death if her husband should discover Che Nuh, implored her lover to escape by the door at the back of the house while that at the front was being opened.

Che Nuh complied, but the husband had evidently heard something of what had been going on in his absence, and, as the lover was about to descend the steps, he drew back seeing Měgat Râja waiting on the ground beneath them.

He drew back, but not before his presence had been perceived.

Měgat Râja called out “Who is that?"

Che Nuh replied "It is I, Che Nuh."

The husband, drawing his kris, said "What are