Page:Malay Sketches.pdf/71

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I smote him as I would a worm
With heart as steeled, with nerve as
firm He never woke again


IT was in the year 1876 that 2 man named Mat Aris, of no occupation and less repute, per- suaded one Sâhit to take his wife Salâmah and start on a journey through the jungle to a distant country. The interest of Mat Aris in this couple was a desire to get rid of Sâhit and possess himself of the woman Salamah, for whom he had conceived an overmastering passion.

The travellers began their journey at a spot many miles up the Perak River; their road lay along a jungle track, and so sparsely inhabited was the country they were to pass through, that they could net even find a habitation in which to pass the

night. They had to look forward to many days’