Page:Mammalia (Beddard).djvu/356

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may get still more numerous. This large number of grinding teeth is obviously suggestive of the Whales, with which the Sirenia are believed by some to be allied. It is at least a remarkable coincidence that these two aquatic groups of mammals should both have assumed the same indefinite tooth formula. It is correct to say assumed, since extinct forms of Manatees, such as Halitherium and Prorastoma, have not a continuous succession of molars. The brain of the Manatee is, contrary to the usual arrangement among aquatic mammals, smooth, and only marked by one or two fissures.

The Manatee[1] is black in colour, its thick skin being wrinkled. The animal is assisted in feeding by a curious mechanism of the upper lip; this is split in two, and the two halves, which are furnished with strong bristles, can play upon each other like the points of a pair of forceps. The flippers are furnished with nails, save in M. inunguis, but in the nailed forms it is not every finger which is thus armed.

Fig. 179.—Skeleton of Dugong. Halicore australis. (After de Blainville.)

Halicore,[2] the Dugong, is an entirely Oriental and Australian

  1. Beddard, "Notes upon the Anatomy of a Manatee (Manatus inunguis)," Proc. Zool. Soc. 1897, p. 47.
  2. See Kükenthal in Semon's "Zoolog. Forschungen," Denkschr. Jen. 1897; Langkavel, "Der Dugong," Zool. Garten, 1896, p. 337.