Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/113

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My heart had become altogether like a beast's, I hearkened to no counsel; all those who were left to me in my misfortune have been scattered from me, (but) God abandons not a man thus forsaken[1] by (Fortune).

573. "Only this Asmat'h and two slaves remained with me as my comforters and counsellors. I could learn no news of her (Nestan), not even a grain's[2] weight. Weeping seemed to me as joy, and streams[3] of tears flowed down.



574. "I landed by night; I came ashore where gardens were seen. It seemed as if there were a city; we came near, on one side the rocks were hollowed out.[4] The sight of men gave me no pleasure; brands were imprinted on my heart. I dismounted to rest at a spot where there were lofty trees.

575. "I fell asleep at the foot of the trees; the slaves brake bread. Then I woke sad, the soot (of sorrow) made night in my heart; in so long a time I had learned nought, neither gossip nor sooth; my tears pressed from mine eyes wet the fields.

576. "I heard a shout. I looked round, a knight[5] cried out haughtily, he was galloping along the seashore, he was hurt by a wound, his sword was broken and soiled, blood flowed down; he threatened his foes, was wrathful, cursed, complained.

577. "He sat upona black steed,[6] the same which I now possess; like the wind he swept along, enraged, wrathful. I sent a slave (to tell him) I was desirous to meet him;

  1. Ganatsirsa.
  2. Drama, 371, 528, 668.
  3. P'hona, more usually p'honi, 238, 1006, 1214.
  4. Car., "large stones cut off from the rocks."
  5. Moqme.
  6. Taidchi, 55, 96, 201.