Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/124

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643. Avt'handil said: "I cannot bear to part from thee; if I separate from thee tears indeed will flow from mine eyes. Verily I tell thee—be not wroth at this boldness—she for whose sake thou diest will not be comforted[1] thereby.

644. "When a physician—however praiseworthy he be—falls sick, he calls in another leech, another skilled in the pulse[2]; him he tells what illness inflaming him with fire afflicts him. Another knows better what is useful advice for one.[3]

645. "Listen to what I say to thee; I speak to thee as a sage and not as a madman; a hundred times must thou give heed, once sufficeth not. A man so furious of heart can do nought well. Now I desire to see her for whose sake hot fire consumes me.

646. "I shall see her, I shall confirm her love for me, I shall tell her what I have learned; nought else have I to do. I beseech thee to assure me, for God and Heaven's sake,[4] let us not abandon one another, make me swear and make thou an oath to me.

647. "If thou promise me that thou wilt not go hence, I shall assure thee by an oath that for nought shall I forsake thee; I shall come again to see thee, I shall die for thee, for thee shall I rove. If God will, I shall make thee cease to weep thus for her for whom thou diest!"

648. He answered: "How is it that thou, a stranger, so lovest me, a stranger? It is as hard for thee to part from me as for the nightingale from the rose. How can I forget thee, how can I cease to remember thee! God grant that I may again see thee, full-grown young aloe-tree.

649. "If thy form remain a tree (for me), and thy face turn round to see me, (my) heart will not flee into the fields, it will become neither a deer's nor a goat's. If I lie to thee or cheat thee, may God judge me in wrath! Thy presence will charm away my sadness (and) dissolve it!"

  1. Elkhinebis.
  2. Madja.
  3. Cf. 830.
  4. Ghmert'hi ighvt'ho, tzatza itzo, make a god of God, a heaven of Heaven.