Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/142

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fair (guest), he enriched his attendants, both youths[1] and greybeards. They parted; the knight, went home as the sun was setting.[2]

753. He (Avt'handil) sent a message (to the king[3]) saying: "How can I give or bestow on thee that which befits thee? What return can I think of for the debts I owe thee? If I survive I shall die for thee; I shall make myself thy slave. I shall repay love with love, with a like weight."

754. How can I tell his peerlessness, valour,[4] and praise[5] him! He was a man fitting and worthy even of such a deed. Thus should service be, as much as lies in one's power (?). When a man is in trouble then needs he brother and kinsman.[6]



755. The sun-faced, dispenser of light, speaks to Shermadin and says: "This day is hope, the comforter of my heart, that thou wilt show what thou canst do for me." It needs a reader and a listener for the praise of this story of them.

756. He says: "Rosten did not grant me leave, he hearkened not even to a word from me; he knows not wherein one's being lies and how one's life is in another.[7] Without him (Tariel) in truth I live not, neither abroad nor at home. What unrighteous deed has God ever forgiven to anyone?

757. "Though I resolved not to forsake him, and my decision is final—every liar and traitor insults God and thus lies—the heart seeing not him weeps and sighs, moans

  1. Moqmeni, ? knights.
  2. Tsveri, 183, 1012. Ch. here inserts a quatrain (No. 765).
  3. ? to T'hinat'hin.
  4. Sicet'he.
  5. Keba.
  6. ? 753, 754, spurious, or something omitted after 752.
  7. Why one is and by whom one lives.