Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/144

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Calm thy heart, believe me, I cannot take thee! I cannot! I cannot!

765. "Since I am a lover I must run mad alone in the fields.[1] Should not one with blood-stained tears roam alone! Errantry is the business of lovers; how can one wait till he is grown old? This world is such, be thou assured thereof and submit.

766. "When I am far from thee, think of me, love me.[2] I fear not my foes; I shall take care of myself.[3] A brave man[4] must be of good cheer, he must not mope in grief; I hate when a man hesitates at no shameful deed.[5]

767. "I am such an one as will not gather cucumbers in this world as an old man,[6] one to whom death for a friend seems a sport and a play. I have left my sun, she grants me leave, why should I linger! Then, if I can bear to go from mine own home, whose can I not bear (to leave)?

768. "Now I give thee my testament addressed to Rosten. I will confide thee to him, and entreat him to care for thee as befits one brought up by me. Should I die, slay not thyself; do not the deed of Satan;[7] weep thereupon, fill the channel[8] of the eyes."



769. He sat down to write the will, thus piteously inditing: "O king! I have stolen away in quest of him I must seek. I cannot remain sundered from him, the

  1. M., xii. 38.
  2. "Hold (fast) to my love!"
  3. T'havi monad momimondes, as a slave I shall do for myself the duty of a slave.
  4. Mamatzi, hero.
  5. Ara, ar, two negatives.
  6. berad—? i.e., toothless, and unable to chew them.
  7. The deed done by Satan; for suicide cf. 728, 815, 854, 1169, 1278a, 1279.
  8. Mili, irrigation canal. This word is found in the Alarodian cuneiform inscriptions as pili, 284, 1435; "put a channel in the eyes."