Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/178

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the slaying of beasts. From all sides the troops thronged to gaze on Avt'handil; they said: "What creature can compare with him?"

970. The knight said to P'hridon: "Thou art eager, I know, to hear my tidings. I will tell thee who I am, whence I come, inasmuch as thou wishest to know, also whence I know Tariel and why I spoke of our brotherhood. He calls me brother; 'Thou art my brother,' quoth he, though I am scarce worthy to be his slave.[1]

971. "I am King Rosten's vassal,[2] a knight[3] nurtured in Arabia, Grand Commander-in-Chief;[4] by name they call me Avt'handil, I am a noble of great family, reared as son of the king, one to be respected, bold, none dares meddle with me.

972. "One day the king mounted, went forth to hunt; in the plain we saw Tariel, he poured forth tears watering the fields; we were astonished, he surprised us, we called and he came not, he made us angry; we knew not how fire consumed him.

973. "The king shouted to the troops to seize him, and he was irritated; without trouble he slew, battle was not grievous to him; of some he broke the arms and legs, some he slew outright; there they learned that the course[5] (chariot) of the moon is not to be turned back.[6]

974. "The king, greatly indignant, perceived that the troops could not capture him; himself he mounted and went against him, the haughtily unfearing. When Tariel knew it was the king, then he avoided his sword,[7] he gave the reins to his horse, he was lost to our eyes.

975. "We sought and could find no trace; we believed it devilry. The king was sad, forbad drinking, feast and banquet. I could not endure lack of certainty[8] about his

  1. Qmobasa, of slavery.
  2. Qma.
  3. Moqme.
  4. Spaspeti, P., 40, 1240.
  5. Etli, planet, constellation, chariot, 269, 1072.
  6. "'Twas only then we understood that a planet is not to be diverted from its course" (Abashidze).
  7. Reverence for royalty, 97, 836; Abashidze: "Tariel sheathed his sword."
  8. Ar dasturoba, dasturi, P., 129, 1267.