Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/187

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1022. With intrepid heart he slew those warriors like goats; some he threw down on the ship, some he cast into the sea; he threw one upon another, eight upon nine and nine upon eight[1]; those who were left were hidden among the corpses, they stifled their cries.

1023. As much as his heart desired was he victorious in the fight with them. Some humbly adjured him: "Slay us not, by thy faith!" Those he slew not, he enslaved them, whoever survived his wounds. Truly saith the Apostle: "Fear makes love."[2]

1024. O man! boast not of thy strength, brag not drunken like! Might is of none avail if the power of the Lord aid thee not. A tiny spark overcomes, and burns up great trees. If God protect thee, it cuts alike well whether thou strike with a log or a sword.[3]

1025. There Avt'handil saw their great treasures. He grappled twin-like ship to ship. He called the caravan. Usam was merry when he saw, he rejoiced, he lamented not, he spoke a eulogy[4] in his praise, he gave form to great imaginings.[5]

1026. Praisers of Avt'handil need even a thousand tongues; even they could not tell how fair he appeared after the fight. The caravan shouted, saying: "Lord, thanks to Thee! The sun has shed down on us his beams; the dark night has broken into day for us."

1027. They came up to him, they kissed his head, face, feet, hand; they spoke praise[6] unstinted to the fair, the praiseworthy; the sight of him maddens the wise man as well as the fool![7] "We all are saved by thee in so hard a mischance."

1028. The knight said: "Thanks to God, the Creator, Maker[8] of all, by whom the heavenly powers decree what

  1. Cf. "seven or eight," 622, 633, 689, 1563; "nine," 1167.
  2. ? 1 John iv. 18 in a garbled form
  3. Marr.
  4. Khotba, A., 3, 1009.
  5. ? "(who) had accomplished a great feat."
  6. Keba, 5, 603, 1073, etc.
  7. ? "makes the wise as mad as the fool."
  8. Mkhadi arst'ha, Maker of beings; but ? mkhedi, 112, 1119.