Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/224

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1244. "Come, P'hatman, and aid me, let us try to be of use to him, let us help them, perchance those stars shall receive joy.[1] All men who shall know it, all will begin to praise us. Surely again will it befall the lovers to meet.

1245. "Bring me that same sorcerer slave, I will send him to Kadjet'hi, we will make known to the maiden all the tidings known to us, she also will inform us of the truth, we will do what she chooses. God grant you may hear that the kingdom of the Kadjis is vanquished by us."

1246. P'hatman said: "Glory to God, what things have befallen me![2] This day I have heard tidings equal to immortality!" She brought the sorcerer slave, black as a raven, and said: "I send thee to Kadjet'hi; go, thou hast a long journey.

1247. "Now will appear advantage for me from thy witchcraft, speedily quench the furnace of the burning[3] of my fires, tell that sun the means for her cure." He said: "To-morrow I shall give you full news of what you wish."



1248. P'hatman writes: "O star, heavenly sun of the world, consumer and griever of all them that are afar from thee, elegant and eloquent in words, lovely, fair-tongued, crystal and ruby both welded in one!

1249. "Though thou gavest me not to hear thy story, I have learnt the truth, thereby hath my heart been comforted. Console with news Tariel, who is become mad for thee! May you both attain your desire, may he be a rose and thou a violet!

  1. Shveba also means "relief, release."
  2. Mo rani, Car.; mo, repetition of prefix in momkhvdes, cf. 1238; cf. da in 565, 586, 894, tsa in 206 (?).
  3. Gzhebisa, Car.; Ch., debisa.