Page:Man in the Panther's Skin.djvu/233

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though the road is one of battle. From the narcissi a rain of crystal falls; the rose is wet with rain. The Kadjis are not yet with the maid, but countless is their host.

1297. "Glad in heart I rejoice, for this my tear will not flow in channels.[1] Wherever thou and thy brother (Tariel) are the difficult will be made easy; whatever you may desire you will certainly do it, you shall not fail; not only no man can stand against you, I trow that even a rock will soften before you.[2]

1298. "Now pardon me, I cannot see thee, so I have passed[3] afar off; I have no leisure to linger on the road, for that moon is captive. Soon shall we come merry; rejoice at the sight of us! What more than this can I say to thee: help thy brother in brotherly fashion?

1299. "The attachment[4] of these slaves is beyond reward; pleasantly have they served me, and your heart, too, will be pleased at this. Why should he be praised who hath sojourned long with you? Every like gives birth to like; this is a saying of the sages."

1300. He wrote this letter,[5] he tied it up and rolled it[6]; the rose, the violet-haired, gave it to P'hridon's slaves; he communicated through them by word of mouth all that was needful, how he should do[7]; the open door of coral showed its pearls to them.[8]

1301. Avt'handil searched; he found a ship of that region (where Tariel was). That sun with the face of a full moon prepared to set out; but to leave the woeful-hearted P'hatman was a heaviness to him; those who parted from him shed a rivulet of blood.

1302. P'hatman, Usen and the slaves weep with hot tears. They said: "O sun, what hast thou done to us? Thou didst burn us with hot fires, why darkenest thou us

  1. Mili, water-pipe, canal, channel; 284, 1435, 1528.
  2. M.; cf. note to 1316.
  3. ? "am passing."
  4. Guli, heart.
  5. Ustari, 1270.
  6. Or, "wrapped it up."
  7. ? Ch. Dict. (s.v. gia)—a difficult line. Car. reads hgia man for giaman; hgia would come from geba (vhgieb), to be, remain, stay. Cf. 86, where it means "flows"; ? "what he had done."
  8. His teeth were visible as he spoke.