II. William ⟨Mitchel⟩, a Member of the Session, told before the Elders, that in his Presence Mr Murray condemned Synods, and Assemblies; and laughed at them.
III. Adam Dickison informed Daniel Frazer, that Mr Murray sneered at Mr Boston's Works,—Therefore Mr Murray is no Presbyterian. There is Buckram for you Reader. Did you ever hear a Point so clearly proved. It is as plain from these Arguments, that Mr Murray is no Presbyterian, as that the solemn League and Covenant is proved from the New Testament to be an Ordinance of Jesus Christ under the Gospel.
But might it not happen that the Presbetery of Relief and Mr Murray might differ, and yet Mr Murray be a Presbyterian? Presbyterians have not been more remarkable for Agreement than other Denominations. Mightnot Mr Murray return the Call which he had received from the People of Dunse, and still be a Presbyterian? Might it not also happen that Mr Murray might laugh at Synods and Assemblies, and still remain a Presbyterian? There does not appear to be any infallible Connection between these Matters: I doubt very much if this same Daniel Frazer was desired to prove the Practice of Synods and general Assemblies from the New Testament, if he could do it: I do not remember of the Word Synod applied to a Meeting of Clergymen in all the New Testament; and, as for a general Assembly, except the general Assembly ofthe