Page - Egypt the Land of Ham or Khem
2 - Egyptians and other Inhabitants of the Valley of the Nile not African Races
ib. - Asiatic Origin of the Egyptians. Egypt considered by some to be in Asia
3 - Ethiopia or Cush
4 - The Thebaid, the Parent of Egyptian Science, whence the Precedence of the Upper Country. Herodotus's Theory of the Delta's Formation requiring an immeasurable Time
5 - Foundation of Tanis and other Places near the Sea, at the earliest Periods. Upper Egypt not peopled while the Delta was a Marsh
6 - Meaning of the Ægyptus of Homer, and the Position of Pharos
7 - The Changes caused by the Deposit of the Nile, vary in Lower Egypt and the Delta. Obelisk of Osirtasen I. at Heliopolis
9 - The Deltas of other Rivers differ from that of the Nile. The Delta formed long before Egypt was inhabited
10 - Ethiopia frequently used for Upper Egypt or the Thebaid