Page:Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians Volume 1.djvu/31

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CONTENTS. XIX Page with contempt. Deserts the King, and aids Nectanebo to dethrone him __--.. 210 Nectanebo II. obtains the Throne. Ochus or ArtaxerxesIII. succeeds Artaxerxes Mnemon, and leads an Army into Egypt - - - - - - 211 The Persians are victorious. Nectanebo flies into Ethiopia. Cruelties of Ochus - - - - - 212 Apis served up at a Banquet. Ochus represented as a Sword in the Catalogue of Egyptian Kings. The 31st Dynasty. Conquest of Egypt by Alexander - - 213 CHAP. III. Egypt properly so called - - - 215 Extent of Egypt - - - -216 Number of Towns in Egypt ; and Population in former Times - - - - - 217 Accumulation of Soil in the Valley of the Nile. Increasing extent E. and W. Cause of its Downfall. Position of Towns on the Edge of the Desert - - 219 Supposed Encroachments of the Sand. M. de Luc's No- tions respecting this and the Oases - - . 221 Narrow Tract of Land in Nubia - - - 223 Revenues and Commerce of Ancient Egypt - - 224 Trade with Arabia and India. Seaports on the Red Sea 226 The Leucos Portus, and Portus Multi of Pliny. Imports. Emerald Mines - - - - 231 Riches of Egypt. Gold Mines. Their Position known - 232 Silver and other Mines. Produce of Egypt sufficing for great Population. Lower Classes ; their Condition - 234 Egypt happy under the Pharaohs. Discontented under foreign Rulers - - _ _ _ 235 Castes of Egypt. How divided according to different Au- thors - . . . . 236 Difference of Opinion ; probable Division into four great Castes. The first, or Sacerdotal Order. Different Grades of Priests . - . . . 237 a 2