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Maying or in a Booth. Meanwhile the Servants did hand round Glaſſes of Negus, which was poor Stuff; and thoſe who lifted to Supper when they choſe, in a ſide Room, off wretched Sandwiches of the Size of the Triangles in Euclid his Geometry, which did think ſhabby. Home in a Cab, at Two in the Morning, much wearied and little pleaſed; and on our Way Home, ſpying a Tavern open, did go and get me a Pint of Beer, and the ſame to my Wife; for we were both athirſt, and ſhe in an ill Humour about the Beauty I had danced with, and I becauſe of the bad Supper; and ſo very ill-contented to Bed.