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Smythfield Cattle Markete.

[Monday, April 9th, 1849.]

UP betimes, it being vcarcely Light, to Smithfield, to ſee the Cattle Market, which I do think a great Diſgrace to the City, being ſo naſty, filthy, and dangerous a Place in the very Heart of London. I did obſerve the Manner of driving the Beaſts together, uſed by the Drovers, which did diſguft me. To force the Oxen into their Places, they have flout Cudgels, pointed with iron Goads or Prods, wherewith they thrull the Creatures in the Fleſh of their Hind Quarters, or with the Cudgel belabour them on the Hock. These Means failing, they do ſeize the Animal's Tail and give it a ſudden Wrench with a Turn of the Wrill, whereby they ſnap the Tail-Bone, and ſo twill and wring the ſpinal Cord till he puſhes forward as far as they would have him. Some, not getting Room for the Beads in the Pens, do drive them into Circles called Ring Droves, with their hind Parts outwards, and their Heads forced as cloſe as may be together: this done by beating them with all their Might about the Head and Eyes, and between the Horns, which they do call pething them. Then to ſee how they crowd the Sheep into the Pens by dogging them as their Word is, which means baiting them with Dogs that do tear the Sheeps' Eyes, Ears, and Cheeks, until they worry such Numbers in, that not one can budge an Inch. All this Cruelty is cauſed by the Market not being big enough: for which