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middling one, many Pictures good in their Kind, but that Kind in a very few Caſes high. The Silks and Satins moſtly painted to Admiration, and the Figures copied carefully from the Model; but this do appear too plainly; and the Action generally too much like a Scene in a Play. In the hiſtorical Pictures the Characters dreſſed ftrictly in the Falhion of their Time, but in the beſt of them a Lack of Fancy and Imagination, though ſeeming original through a certain Quaintness that do ſmack of Church-Window Saints and illuminated Miſſals. The Landſcapes better, and a moſt brave Morning on the Lake of Zurich by one that hath the right Stuff in him, and ſome ſweet melancholy Shades and ſolemn Groves, and a Solitary Pool, that did pleaſe me mightily, and my Wife do ſay that the Artiſt ſhould be Commiſſioner of Woods and Foreſts. Some Pictures of common Life pretty enough, and a little Crowd before a pleaſant ſentimental one called the Duet. One or two droll ones, as the Slide, and Drawing for the Militia, did make me laugh: but to think how many Woodcuts as good as the beſt you can get in a little Miſcellany published weekly, coſt you 3d. Fewer ſilly Portraits of Gentlemen and Ladies than formerly, which is a Comfort. The Pictures fairly enough hung, and ſtrange to ſee a dead Lion between Monsieur Guizot and Prince Metternich, as though to repreſent abſolute Monarchy, and ſeemed meant for a Joke. Some Pictures in the Octagon Room, which could not tell whether they were good or no for Want of Light, and the fame with all the Sculptures in their Lumber Hole. This is how we treat Art in this Country, and with Paintings prefented to the Nation buried in a Vault, but ſorry Encouragement is given to Genius; and no Wonder that Artiſts do Pictures for Furniture to ſell to the great and ſmall Vulgar, and ſo produce the Kind of Works that make up the greater Part of the Exhibition.