Anthers tipped by a minute gland. Style 3-fid to the middle. Capsule obtuse, sparsely covered with stellate hairs. Cocci opening by a valve on the inner face.—Benth. Fl. Austral. i. 419; Kirk, Forest Fl. t. 8; Students' Fl. 92. P. Tainui, Hector in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xi. (1879) 429. P. mollis, Col. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxv. (1893) 327.
North Island: Formerly abundant at Kawhia, but now extinct; between Kawhia and Mokau, Gilbert; between the Mokau and Mohakatina Rivers, Hector! Kirk! Chatham Islands: F. A. D. Cox. Also naturalised in Hawke's Bay, and at Geraldine, Canterbury. Tainui. October–November.
A common Australian plant. The Maoris assert that it sprang from the rollers or skids that were brought in the canoe "Tainui" when they first colonised New Zealand.
3. P. Edgerleyi, Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. 43.—An erect or spreading shrub, variable in habit and size, 2–8 ft. high; branchlets, undersurface of leaves, petioles, and inflorescence densely clothed with soft loose whitish or ferruginous stellate tomentum. Leaves shortly petioled, ¾–2 in. long, oblong linear-oblong or lanceolate-oblong, obtuse at both ends, rarely acute, glabrous or scabrid above, with impressed veins; midrib and principal veins prominent beneath. Cymes axillary and terminal, usually broad and corymbose, more rarely lax and racemose. Flowers small, yellowish. Calyx-lobes large, ovate, acute, reflexed, midrib prominent. Petals wanting. Ovary entirely sunk in the calyx-tube; style 3-cleft almost to the base.—Kirk, Students Fl. 91. Pomaderris (?) sp. Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 46.
North Island: North Cape to Mercury Bay, but often local. Sea-level to 1500 ft. October–November. Endemic.
There are two forms of this species—one a small shrub with straggling or procumbent branches, and small oblong leaves scabrid above and clothed with bright ferruginous tomentum beneath; the other taller and fastigiately branched, with longer and narrower leaves, glabrous above and with paler tomentum beneath.
4. P. phylicæfolia, Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 120.—A small heath-like shrub 1–4 ft. high; branches densely villous, spreading or erect, fastigiate. Leaves small, of very young plants ½–¾ in. long, oblong or ovate, obtuse, flat, hairy on both surfaces; of older plants 1/6–1/3 in. long, nearly sessile, spreading, linear or linear-oblong, grooved down the middle and scabrid with short white hairs above, margins revolute to the midrib, concealing nearly the whole of the villous undersurface. Flowers minute, in small axillary cymes slightly longer than the leaves, very abundantly produced. Calyx small, densely pubescent, lobes spreading. Petals wanting. Capsule ovoid, hirsute; cocci opening along the whole length of the inner face.—Benth. Fl. Austral. i. 422; Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. 43; Kirk, Students' Fl. 92. P. ericifolia. Hook. in Journ. Bot. i. (1834) 257;