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Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/148

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** Branches not flattened nor compressed, leafy.
Shrub. Racemes pendulous; flowers large, crimson. Pod terete, many-seeded 4. Clianthus.
Small alpine herb. Racemes erect. Pod membranous, inflated 5. Swainsona.
Large twiner. Leaves 3-foliolate. Calyx 2-lipped. Stamens monadelphous. Pod large and broad 6. Canavalia.
Tree or shrub. Leaves pinnate with many leaflets. Racemes pendulous. Flowers large, yellow. Stamens free. Pod moniliform 7. Sophora.

1. CORALLOSPARTIUM, J. B. Armstrong.

A leafless shrub. Stems and branches stout, cyllindric, deeply grooved. Flowers in dense fascicles at the notches of the branchlets. Calyx woolly, campanulate, 5-toothed; teeth about equal. Standard large, broad, reflexed, contracted into a short claw. Wings falcate, oblong, obtuse, auricled towards the base, shorter than the keel. Keel about equalling the standard, incurved, oblong, obtuse. Upper stamen free, the others connate into a sheath. Ovary densely villous; style silky at the base; ovules 2–4. Pod 2-valved, deltoid, rounded and winged at the back, straight in front, shortly beaked, villous; valves thin, faintly reticulated, edges not thickened nor consolidated into a replum. Seed solitary, reniform; radicle with a double flexure.

A genus of a single species, endemic in New Zealand. It is technically separated from Carmichælia by the 2-valved pod without a persistent replum.

1. C. crassicaule, Armstr. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xiii. (1881) 333.—Stems erect, 1–6 ft. high, ⅓–¾ in. diam., sparingly branched, yellow, stout, erect, cylindrical, with numerous parallel tomentose grooves; branchlets compressed at the tips. Leaves rarely seen on mature plants, when present very fugacious, small, linear-oblong or ovate-oblong; of young plants broadly oblong or almost orbicular, entire or emarginate. Fascicles capitate, densely 8–20-flowered; pedicels short, slender, and with the calyces softly woolly. Flowers ¼–⅓ in. long, cream-coloured. Pod ¼ in. long.—Kirk, Students' Fl. 106. Carmichælia crassicaulis, Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. 48.

Var. racemosa, Kirk, Students' Fl. 107.—Branchlets narrower, 1/8 in. broad, compressed. Flowers less than ¼ in. long, solitary or in 3–5-flowered racemes, which are solitary or fascicled. Pedicels and calyx not so woolly.

South Island: Canterbury—Mount Torlesse, Haast! Lake Lyndon, Enys! T. F. C.; Mount Dobson and other mountains flanking the Mackenzie Plains, T. F. C.; Lake Ohau, Haast. Otago—Lindis Pass, Hector and Buchanan; Naseby and westward to the Dunstan Mountains, Petrie! H. J. Matthews! 1500–4000 ft. Coral-broom. December–January.

One of the most remarkable plants in the colony; at once recognised by the robust deeply grooved branchlets, densely fascicled flowers, and woolly calyx. It appears to be confined to arid situations on the eastern slopes of the Southern Alps.