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A. Much depressed leafless plants forming matted patches 1-4 in. high. Flowers usually reddish. | |
* Branchlets thin, linear or narrow linear. | |
Flowers solitary or racemose. Pods obliquely ovate-orbicular, usually 1-seeded | 1. C. Enysii. |
Flowers solitary; peduncles long. Pods 3–4-seeded | 2. C. uniflora. |
Flowers racemose. Pods 3–6-seeded | 3. C. nana. |
** Branchlets very stout and thick, flattened, with rounded edges. | |
Flowers racemose. Pods large, turgid, 6–14-seeded | 4. C. Monroi. |
B. Erect or spreading shrubs 1–10 ft. high. Flowers usually purplish or streaked with purple, rarely white. Valves of the pod separating from the persistent replum. | |
* Usually leafless when mature (sometimes leafy in 8, C. subulata). | |
† Branchlets broad, flat, and thin. | |
Branchlets ⅓–½ in. broad. Flowers large, ¾–1 in. Pod 1 in., turgid | 5. C. Williamsii. |
Branchlets 1/5–1/3 in. Flowers small, 1/8–1/6 in. Pod ⅓–½ in.; valves slightly convex. Seeds red | 6. C australis. |
†† Branchlets narrow, terete, plano-convex or compressed. | |
Branchlets very stout, often terete, 1/12–1/8 in. diam. Pod ¼–½ in., turgid. Seeds 2–6 | 7. C Petriei. |
Branchlets slender, compressed or plano-convex, 1/20–1/10 in. diam. Pod ¼–⅓ in., turgid, subulate, acuminate. Seeds usually 2 | 8. C. subulata. |
Branchlets slender, terete or plano-convex, 1/15–1/10 in. diam. Pod ⅓ in., oblong, turgid, narrowed below | 9. C. virgata. |
Branchlets very slender, almost filiform. Pod small, 1/6–1/5 in., obliquely oblong. Seed 1, rarely 2 | 10. C. diffusa. |
** Usually leafy in spring and early summer (sometimes leafless in C. flagelliformis). | |
† Pod more or less compressed, or only slightly convex. | |
Branchlets glabrous, deeply grooved, erect. Racemes 5–12-flowered. Flowers large, ¼ in. Pod oblong, beak rather long | 11. C. grandiflora. |
Branchlets pubescent, compressed, drooping. Racemes 10–20-flowered. Flowers small, 1/8–1/6 in. Pod oblong, narrowed into a long beak | 12. C. odorata. |
Branchlets glabrous, compressed or terete. Racemes 10–40-flowered. Pod narrowed into a long beak | 13. C. angustata. |
Branchlets slender, grooved, often fastigiate. Racemes 3–7-flowered. Flowers small. Pod obliquely ovate, suddenly narrowed into a long beak | 14. C. flagelliformis. |
†† Pod conspicuously turgid. | |
Stems slender, often twining. Branchlets almost filiform, grooved. Flowers large, ⅓–½ in. Pod elliptic, beak very long | 15. C. gracilis. |
C (Huttonella). Erect or prostrate shrubs 1–4 ft. high. Flowers small. Pod small, usually indehiscent, swollen, often broader than deep; beak turned abruptly upwards. | |
* Leafless when mature. | |
Erect. Branchlets numerous, terete. Racemes lax. Flowers 1/5 in. | 16. C. compacta. |