Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/382

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areole at the base. Pappus-hairs thickened at the tips.—Kirk, Students' Fl. 311. Ozothamnus glomeratus, Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 133; Handb. N.Z. Fl. 146. Swammerdammia glomerata, Raoul, Choix, 20, t. 16.

North and South Islands: Not uncommon from the North Cape southwards. Sea-level to 2500 ft. November–January.

11. H. lanceolatum, T. Kirk, Students' Fl. 311.—Altogether similar to H. glomeratum, but leaves 1–1½ in. long, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, acute or subacute, narrowed into a short winged petiole, glabrous above, beneath clothed with white appressed tomentum; margins flat or slightly undulate. Heads, florets, and achenes precisely as in H. glomeratum.—Ozothamnus lanceolatus, Buch. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. ii. (1870) 88.

North Island: Mountains near Hokianga, Buchanan! alt. 2000 ft.

Probably only a narrow-leaved variety of the preceding. I have seen no specimens except Mr. Buchanan's.

12. H. depressum, Benth. and Hook. f. Gen. Plant. ii. 311.—A suberect or rarely prostrate much-branched bush 1-5 ft. high, hoary in all its parts with appressed greyish-white tomentum; branches spreading, rigid and wiry, often tortuous. Leaves minute, closely appressed to the branch, laxly imbricating, 1/121/10 in. long, linear, obtuse, concave and loosely woolly on the inner face, silky or woolly on the back. Heads small, ⅙ in. diam., solitary, sessile at the tips of the branchlets; involucral bracts few, linear, scarious, acute or acuminate, rarely obtuse, glabrate or cottony at the base. Florets 8–12; females few, 2–3. Achene glabrous or puberulous. Pappus-hairs in several series, copious, slender.—Kirk, Students' Fl. 311. Ozothamnus depressus, Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 134, t. 35b; Handb. N.Z. Fl. 146.

North Island: Hawke's Bay—Tukituki River, Petrie! South Island: Not uncommon throughout, usually on shingly river-beds. 1000–4000 ft. December–February.

13. H. microphyllum, Benth. and Hook. f. Gen. Plant. ii. 311.—A small depressed much-branched shrub 6–15 in. high; branchlets slender, crowded, tomentose, with the leaves 1/121/8 in. diam. Leaves minute, closely appressed to the branch, densely and almost quadrifariously imbricating, 1/161/12 in. long, ovate or triangular, obtuse, thick and coriaceous, concave and densely woolly on the inner face, green and polished and obscurely keeled on the back. Heads terminal, solitary, sessile, turbinate, ⅕–¼ in. diam.; involucral bracts in about 3 series, linear-oblong, obtuse, scarious. Florets 20–25; female few, in 1 series. Achene pubescent. Pappus-hairs few, not thickened at the tip.—Kirk, Students' Fl. 312. Ozothamnus microphyllus, Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 134, t. 35a; Handb. N.Z. Fl. 146.