Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/515

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about as long as the leaves, 1–3-flowered. Sepals ovate, obtuse. Corolla 1–2 in. diam., broadly campanulate with a somewhat tubular base, purplish or pink. Capsule ½–¾ in. long, ovoid-globose, coriaceous, 2-celled. Seeds large, hairy.—I. pes-capræ, Roth. Nov. Sp. Plant. 109; Benth. Fl. Austral. iv. 419; Cheesem. in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xx. (1888) 171.

Kermadec Islands: Sunday Island, abundant in the sandy bays and on some of the cliffs, T.F.C. Plentiful on all tropical shores.


Prostrate or twining herbs, glabrous or nearly so. Leaves alternate, entire or rarely palmately lobed. Peduncles axillary, 1-flowered; bracts 2, large, persistent, enclosing the calyx. Flowers usually large. Sepals equal or the inner slightly smaller. Corolla campanulate or funnel-shaped; limb plaited, 5-angled or obscurely 5-lobed. Stamens included; filaments dilated at the base; anthers oblong. Ovary 1-celled or imperfectly 2-celled, 4-ovuled; style filiform; stigmas 2, ovate or oblong, flattened. Capsule subglobose, usually 1-celled. Seeds glabrous.

A small genus of 7 or 8 species, scattered through the warm and temperate regions of both hemispheres. Of the 4 New Zealand species 2 are found in most extra-tropical countries, one extends to Australia, and the remaining one to South America and the Island of Masafuera.

* Flowers large, 1–3 in. diam.
Leaves 2–5 in., oblong-sagittate, sinus at the base narrow, deep 1. C. sepium.
Leaves ½–1½ in., ovate-cordate or deltoid, membranous, sinus at the base broad, shallow 2. C. tuguriorum.
Stems short, prostrate. Leaves ½–2 in. across, broader than long, reniform, fleshy, sinus at the base broad, shallow 3. C. Soldanella.
** Flowers small, ½ in. diam.
Leaves sagittate, basal lobes narrow, acute, diverging 4. C. marginata.

1. C. sepium, R. Br. Prodr.]] 483.—Rhizome long, slender, extensively creeping underground. Stems slender, twining, 3–6 ft. long. Leaves alternate, variable in size and shape, 2–5 in. long, oblong-sagittate or hastate, acute or acuminate, rarely obtuse, cordate at the base with the lobes angular or truncate or rounded, membranous, glabrous or rarely slightly pubescent. Peduncles solitary, 1-flowered, angled or margined, often exceeding the leaves; bracts large, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, enclosing the calyx. Sepals subequal, ovate-lanceolate. Corolla large, 1½–3 in. diam., white or pink. Ovary incompletely 2-celled. Capsule ½ in. diam., globose, apiculate. Seeds smooth.—A. Cunn. Precur. n. 394; Raoul, Choix, 44; Hook. f. Fl. Nov. Zel. i. 183. Convolvulus sepium. Linn. Sp. Plant. 153; Hook. f. Handb. N.Z. Fl. 197.