Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/523

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B. Rhinanthideæ. Under-lip or lateral lobes of the corolla covering the upper in bud.
* Stamens 2.
Shrubs or herbs. Leaves opposite, often imbricate and quadrifarious in the New Zealand species. Corolla rotate or tube short; limb 4-lobed or rarely 5-lobed 7. Veronica.
** Stamens 4.
Corolla 5-lobed, campanulate or nearly so, tube short. Stigma capitate 8. Ourisia.
Corolla 2-lipped, tube short. Ovary usually with several ovules in each cell, rarely reduced to two 9. Euphrasia.
Corolla 2-lipped, tube long. Ovary with one ovule in each cell 10. Anagosperma.
Corolla 2-lipped, tube exceedingly long, gibbous, upper lip entire. Stigma 2-lobed 11. Siphonidium.


Herbs or small shrubs. Leaves opposite or whorled, rarely alternate. Flowers in axillary or terminal few- or many-flowered cymes or panicles, rarely solitary. Calyx inferior or slightly adherent to the base of the ovary, 4-partite; segments valvate. Corolla-tube very short or almost wanting; limb 2-lipped; lips nearly equal and both inflated in the New Zealand species, but in the majority of the American ones the upper lip is small, rounded, and entire, and the lower large, much inflated, and slipper-shaped. Stamens 2, lateral, afiixed near the base of the corolla; anthers 2-celled. Ovary 2-celled; ovules numerous in each cell; style simple; stigma minute. Capsule ovoid-conic, septicidally 2-valved; valves 2-fid. Seeds numerous, striate.

A large genus of about 135 species, with the exception of the two species found in New Zealand purely American, stretching along the chain of the Andes from the Straits of Magellan to Colombia and Mexico.

Stems erect. Leaves ovate, 1–3 in. long. Panicles usually many-flowered 1. C. Sinclairii.
Stems creeping. Leaves broadly ovate or orbicular, ½–1 in. long. Panicle 1–5 flowered 2. C repens.

1. C. Sinclairii, Hook. Ic. Plant. t. 561.—More or less glandular-pubescent in all its parts. Stems slender, erect, laxly branched, 6–18 in. high. Leaves opposite, on slender petioles 1–3 in. long; blade 1–3 in., ovate or elliptic-ovate, obtuse or subacute, obliquely rounded or almost cordate at the base, coarsely crenate-toothed or -lobed, the lobes again toothed, membranous, pubescent on both surfaces, paler below. Panicles terminal, branched, few- or many-flowered; pedicels slender. Flowers small, ¼–⅓ in. diam., white or yellow spotted with purple. Calyx-lobes small, deltoid, acute. Corolla pubescent, divided about ⅓-way down into 2 nearly equal concave lips, the upper lip but slightly smaller. Stamens on very