Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/534

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Section II. Large or small shrubs, erect or decumbent below. Leaves ⅙–1¼ in. long, usually close-set, often imbricate, flat or concave or keeled. Racemes or spikes usually short, simple or corymbosely branched, often crowded towards the ends of the branches.
* Flowers racemose; racemes more or less corymbosely branched, rarely simple.
Leaves ¾–1¼ × ⅙–⅓ in., oblong-obovate, flat or nearly so, glaucous. Racemes corymbosely branched, ¾–1½ in. long. Flowers ¼ in. diam., lavender-blue. Calyx segments ovate, acute. Corolla tube half as long again as the calyx. Capsule more than twice as long as the calyx 19. V. insularis.
Leaves ½–¾ × ¼ in., elliptic-oblong, acute, flat or nearly so. Racemes much branched, forming a terminal panicle 2 in. diam. Flowers ¼–⅓ in. diam., white. Calyx-segments narrow-ovate, acute. Corolla-tube slightly longer than the calyx 20. V. venustula.
Leaves ½–1 × ⅛–⅙ in., linear-oblong, rigid, acute, keeled. Racemes about 1 in., much corymbosely branched. Calyx usually 3-partite; segments obtuse. Corolla-tube not much longer than the calyx. Capsule ⅙ in., twice as long as the calyx 21. V. diosmœfolia.
Leaves ½–1 × ⅙–¼ in., lanceolate or linear-oblong, acute, flat or slightly keeled. Racemes 1–2 in., much corymbosely divided. Calyx 4-partite; segments acute. Corolla-tube twice as long as the calyx. Capsule ⅕ in. 22. V. Menziesii.
Leaves ¾–1½ × ⅕–⅓ in., linear-oblong, acute, flat, glaucous, margins often incised. Racemes exceeding the leaves, sparingly divided, rarely simple. Calyx-segments ovate-lanceolate, acute. Corolla-tube shorter than the calyx 23. V. Colensoi.
Leaves ½–¾ × ⅙–¼ in., linear-oblong or narrow obovate-oblong, acute, keeled, rigid, glaucous. Racemes short, equalling the leaves, trifurcate. Calyx- segments oblong, obtuse. Corolla-tube nearly twice as long as the calyx. Capsule ⅛–⅙ in. 24. V. rigidula.
Leaves ½–1 × ¼–⅓ in., long-petioled, linear-obovate to linear-oblong, obtuse, flat, glaucous. Racemes trifurcate. Calyx-segments oblong, obtuse. Corolla-tube half as long again as the calyx. Capsule ¼ in. long, broadly oblong 25. V. rupicola.
Leaves ⅓–⅔ × ⅕–⅓ in., ovate-oblong or obovate-oblong, closely imbricate, rigid, keeled. Racemes ¾–1¼ in., corymbosely branched. Calyx-segments oblong, obtuse. Corolla-tube less than twice as long as the calyx 26. V. lævis.
** Flowers racemose; racemes simple, rarely branched.
Leaves ½–1¼ × ¼–½ in., elliptic-oblong, apiculate, petiolate. Branchlets and margins of leaves hoary. Racemes 1–1½ in. long. Flowers large, white, ½ in. diam. or more, sweet-scented. Capsule ¼–⅓ in. 27. V. elliptica.
Leaves ¾–1½ × ⅓–⅔ in., oblong or elliptic-oblong, obtuse, flat. Racemes 2–4 in. long, dense. Flowers large, white or purplish, ⅓ in. diam. Calyx-segments oblong, obtuse. Corolla-tube twice as long as the calyx 28. V. Matthewsii.