Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/892

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2. E. Thomsoni, Petrie in Trans. N.Z. Inst. xii. (1880) 356, t. 10.—A small densely tufted species. Culms short, stout, much branched, spreading, quite glabrous, 1–5 in. high. Leaves numerous, distichous, spreading, ⅓—½ in. long, 1/121/8 broad, lanceolate, acute, strongly nerved; ligule reduced to a mere line; sheaths pale, strongly grooved. Inflorescence reduced to a short stout erect raceme of 2–5 spikelets, sometimes hardly longer than the leaves; pedicels short, stout, often appressed to the rhachis. Spikelets ⅙–⅕ in. long, compressed. Two outer glumes small, subequal, broadly oblong or rounded, obtuse, less than ⅓ as long as the 3rd and 4th respectively; 3rd and 4th ovate-lanceolate, rigid, keeled, awned, 5-nerved, silky at the base, keel and awns minutely scabrid. Flowering glume shorter, oblong, obtuse or subacute, 3–5-nerved. Palea linear. Stamens 1–2.

South Island: Nelson—Mount Rochfort, Dr. Gaze! Townson! Otago—Longwood Range, Kirk! Stewart Island—Port Pegasus, Thomson and Petrie! Kirk! Rakiahua, P. Goyen! Auckland Islands—F. R. Chapman! Sea-level to 4000 ft.

A very curious and distinct little species.


Slender perennial grasses; culms simple or branched. Leaves flat or convolute when dry. Spikelets laterally compressed, 1-flowered, pedicellate, arranged in a narrow lax panicle; rhachilla disarticulating above the 2 outer glumes. Glumes 5; the 2 outer very small, persistent; 3rd and 4th long, narrow, produced into long awns, the 4th much the longest; 5th or flowering glume shorter, acute, not awned. Palea linear. Lodicules 2, rather large, thin. Stamens 4 or 2. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain enclosed within the flowering glume and palea but free from them.

A small genus of 5 species, confined to Australia and New Zealand. One of the New Zealand species is also found in Australia, the remaining two are endemic.

* The two outer glumes distant from the 3rd and 4th.
Leaves flat, thin, ⅛–⅕ in. broad. Panicle 3–9 in., narrow. Stamens 4 1. M. stipoides.
** The 2 outer glumes not distant from the 3rd and 4th.
Culms not branched. Leaves broad, ¼–½ in. Panicles 1–2 ft., compound. Stamens 2 2. M. avenacea.
Culms branched. Leaves 1/101/5 in. broad. Panicle reduced to a simple raceme 1–3 in. long, rarely branched at the base. Stamens 4 3. M. polynoda.

1. M. stipoides, R. Br. Prodr. 210.—Rhizome creeping and rooting, branched. Culms numerous from the rhizome, often branched below, erect or ascending, slender, glabrous, 1–2 ft. high or more.