Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/939

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B. Two outer glumes reaching more than half-way up the flowering glumes immediately above them. Flowering glumes obtuse or subacute, rarely acute. Anthers 1/201/10 in. long, linear.
* Culms long or short; rhizome tufted or stoloniferous. Leaves flat or complicate or involute, not terete nor polished, not specially rigid, never pungent-pointed.
† Rhizome tufted. Ligules reduced to a truncate rim.
Culms 6–36 in., usually stout. Leaves flat or concave, 1/101/4 in. broad. Panicle large; branches usually ternate or quinate. Spikelets ¼–⅓ in. Flowering glumes minutely scaberulous, keel scabrid, callus and lower part of glume usually with a few crisped hairs 6. P. anceps.
Culms 4–12 in., slender. Leaves narrow, sometimes filiform. Panicle 1½–3 in.; branches usually binate. Spikelets ⅙–⅕ in. Flowering glumes as in P. anceps but smoother 7. P. seticulmis.
†† Rhizome creeping or stoloniferous; ligules short, truncate.
Culms 1–9 in. Leaves narrow, setaceous. Panicle ½–2 in., few-flowered. Spikelets ⅛–⅙ in. Flowering glumes usually smooth, callus and lower part of keel and margins with crisped hairs 8. P. pusilla.
Culms 6–18 in. Leaves narrow, complicate or flat, flaccid. Panicle 2–5 in., broad, lax. Spikelets ⅓ in. Flowering glumes with the surface and nerves above minutely scabrid, keel sharply scabrid, callus and lower part of glume with long crisped hairs 9. P. dipsacea.
Culms 12–18 in. Leaves narrow, complicate, erect, rigid. Panicle 2–5 in., broad, lax. Spikelets ¼ in. Flowering glumes smooth above, lower portion of keel and margins villous, callus with silky hairs 10. P. Cheesemanii.
††† Rhizome creeping, stoloniferous; ligules a transverse band of short dense hairs.
Culms 12–24 in. Leaves rigid, erect. Panicle 1½–3 in., dense. Spikelets ¼–⅓ in. Flowering glume prominently 5-nerved, surfaces scaberulous, keel sharply scabrid, callus and lower part of keel with sparse crisp hairs 11. P. chathamica.
** Culms tufted, strict, erect, smooth and polished. Leaves terete or nearly so, erect, rigid, acute or pungent-pointed.
† Ligules almost obsolete.
Culms 1–3 ft., forming dense tussocks. Panicle 2–9 in., lax. Flowering glumes prominently 5-nerved, callus and base of keel with a tuft of long crisped hairs 12. P. cæspitosa.
†† Ligules long, hyaline, sheathing.
Culms 2–18 in. Leaves shorter than the culms. Panicle ½–3 in. Flowering glumes faintly 5-nerved, smooth or nearly so, callus with a tuft of crisped hairs 13. P. Colensoi.
Culms 2–6 in. Leaves imbricated, very short and rigid, with acicular points. Panicle ½–1 in., few-flowered. Flowering glumes villous with short silky hairs below the middle, minutely rough above 14. P. acicularifolia.