Page:Manual of the New Zealand Flora.djvu/968

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Indusium reniform and attached by the sinus. Fronds usually 2–4-pinnate; pinnæ not articulated to the rhachis 20. Nephrodium.
Indusium reniform and attached by the sinus. Fronds pinnate; pinnæ articulated to the rhachis 21. Nephrolepis.
** Indusium altogether absent.
Sori globose or broadly oblong, dorsal, distinct 22. Polypodium.
Sori oblong or rounded, at first distinct but ultimately confluent, marginal, often partly concealed by the reflexed margin of the frond and then barely distinguishable from Cheilanthes 23. Nothochlæna.
Sori oblong or linear, simple or forked, often confluent, dorsal 24. Gymnogramme.
Suborder IV. Gleicheniaceæ. Sori dorsal, naked, of few (2–6) sporangia; receptacle not elevated. Sporangia sessile or nearly so, splitting vertically, surrounded by a complete transverse ring.
Fronds dichotomously forked; ultimate branches pinnately divided 25. Gleichenia.
Suborder V. Schizæaceæ. Sporangia crowded, not collected into distinct sori, sessile or nearly so, with a complete transverse ring just below the apex, splitting vertically. Fertile portions of the frond much modified.
Fronds simple or forked or flabellately divided, without an expanded lamina. Sporangia in 2–4 rows on the under-surface of short linear fertile pinnæ terminating the fronds 26. Schizæa.
Fronds very long, climbing; primary pinnæ dichotomously or pinnately divided. Sporangia in 2 rows on the under-surface of contracted fertile pinnules 27. Lygodium.
Suborder VI. Osmundaceæ. Sori irregular, distinct or confluent, dorsal; indusium wanting. Sporangia sessile or nearly so, splitting vertically; ring rudimentary, placed just below the apex.
Fronds opaque or translucent, 2–3-pinnate 28. Todea.
Suborder VII. Marattiaceæ. Sori distinct, dorsal. Sporangia sessile, without any ring, coriaceous, splitting vertically or opening by a pore at the apex, usually cohering in concrete masses called synangia.
Rhizome large, tuberous. Fronds large, 2–3-pinnate 29. Marattia.
Suborder VIII. Ophioglossaceæ. Sporangia globose, coriaceous, sessile, without any ring, dehiscing by a transverse or vertical slit, crowded on a linear spike or on the branches of a panicle. Fronds not circinate in vernation.
Sterile frond simple and entire. Sporangia on a linear spike 30. Ophioglossum.
Sterile frond pinnate or 2–4-pinnate. Sporangia on the linear branches of a panicle 31. Botrychium.


Usually small and sometimes minute ferns. Rhizome slender, creeping, often much branched and matted. Fronds simple or more generally compound, delicately membranous, often pellucid, usually of a single layer of cells; segments entire or toothed at the margin,