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Devotions for Mass.

hearts aud voices with all Thy Blessed in heaven, and with Thy whole Church upon earth. But acknowledging our great unworthiness and innumerable sins, for which we are heartily sorry and humbly crave Thy pardon, we dare not venture to approach Thee, save through Thy Son, our Advocate and Mediator, Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast given us to be both our High-Priest and Sacrifice. With Him, therefore, and through Him, we venture to offer Thee this Sacrifice: to His most sacred intentions we desire to unite ours: and with this offering which He makes of Himself we wish to make an offering of our whole being unto Thee. With Him, and through Him, we beseech Thee to exalt Thy Holy Catholic Church throughout the world; to maintain her in peace, unity, holiness, and truth; to have mercy on Thy servant, N. our Pope, N. our Bishop, N. our Pastor, [our parents, children, friends, benefactors, etc.,] on all whom we have in any way scandalized, injured, or offended, or for whom we ought to pray; on all who are dying; on all who are under temptation, or in other necessity, of either body or soul; on all our enemies; and on us all poor sinners; that we may all be converted to Thee, and find mercy through Jesus Christ, Thy Son; through whom we hope one day to be admitted into the company of all Thy Saints and Elect, whose memory we here celebrate, whose prayers we desire, and with whom we communicate in these holy Mysteries.

When the Priest spreads his hands over the Oblation.

(Here the bell is again rung.)

GIVE ear, we beseech Thee, to the prayers of Thy servant, who is here appointed to make this Oblation in our behalf; and grant it may be effectual