King of France, were seen at the gate of Milan arranging the articles of peace.
To promote this devotion Pope Clement VIII. granted a Plenary Indulgence to all such as, confessing their sins and receiving Holy Communion, should visit any church or chapel where this devotion was being performed.
To gain this Indulgence it is required (1) to visit the Blessed Sacrament once during the three days of Exposition; and (2) to receive Holy Communion on the day preceding, or on one of the three days, but not necessarily in the same church or chapel in which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.
Pope Paul V. also granted an Indulgence of ten years and ten quadragenæ for every Visit made to the Blessed Sacrament thus exposed.
These Indulgences are applicable to the Souls in Purgatory.
The forms of prayers used in this devotion are, the Litany of the Saints, Collects, etc., as given on page 256; to which may be added the Litany of the Holy Name (p. 6o), the Litany of the Blessed Virgin (p. 65), the Miserere (p. 249), and the Te Deum (p. 160).
An Act of Adoration to the Most Holy Trinity.