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The Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.(i)

KYRIE eleison.

LORD, have mercy on us.

Christe eleison.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Kyrie eleison.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Jesu, audi nos.

Jesus, hear us.

Jesu, exaudi nos.

Jesus, graciously hear us.

Pater de cœlis Deus, miserere nobis.

God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.

Fili Redemptor mundi Deus, Miserere nobis.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.

Spiritus Sancte Deus,

God the Holy Spirit,

Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus,

Holy Trinity, one God,

Jesu, Fili Dei vivi,

Jesus, Son of the living God,

Jesu, splendor Patris,

Jesus, splendor of the Father,

Jesu, candor lucis æternæ,

Jesus, brightness of Eternal Light,

Jesu, rex gloriæ,

Jesus, King of glory,