Faster, louder,with a vigorouslilting beat—with abandon.Hi-yeee! Blue and beautifulIs he, beautifully blue!Carved from sleeping cedar with abandon.When the stars like silver fishesWere a-quiver in the rivers of the sky;Carved from dripping cedarWhen the Kóo-koo-kóo dashed hootingAt the furtive feetThat rustle in the leaves—Hi! And seasoned many moons, many moons,Ho! Seasoned many, many, many sleeps!Hi-yeee! Blue and beautifulIs he, beautifully blue!Though his throat is choked with wood,And he honks not on his pole,And his wings are weak with hunger,Yet his heart is plenty good.Hi-yee! His heart is plenty good!Hi-yee! Plenty good, plenty good!Hi-yee! Hi-yee! Hi-yee! His heart is good! . . .
Broken andbrusquely
My heart like his is good!
Ugh! My tongue talks straight!