Ho! Wingéd-One of the rumbling rain clouds,With thy war drums, sky drums, call thy Water-Spirits.On thy serpent-foe—we spit on him!—Let loose thy fire-flashing Thunder!Ho! Big Tornado! Ho! Thou Cyclone!Rouse from slumber, dash from the North!Ho! Big Hand-Walker, who goes head down,With twirling legs that walk in the sky,Come over the plains with thy trailing hairOf tangled winds and twisting rains!
Ho! Thou God of the Thunder-drums,Pour from thy hands the many-many waters:Ho! Rains like clouds of silver lances,Cool long rains that slant from the West;Rains that walk on gentle little moccasins,Softly slipping from the fogs in the East;Cold white rains from the Land-of-Winter,Dripping in the trees, beating on the birchbark;Soft rains, gray rains, rains that are gentle,Swift rains, big rains, rains that are windy—Rains, rains, many-many rains!
Hi! Thou God of the Sounding Thunder,Split the clouds with thy club asunder!Come! Come! Come with thy stamping feet!Hí! Hi! Hí! To the war-dance beat!Bitter in the heart to the Great Sea Monster;Bitter to our foe; bitter to his poison—