To be read simply and quietlywith an under-current ofhumor andinnuendo.The Weasel-Eye has spoken.He has opened up his honey mouth;And from the heart that is so goodHe has poured his sounding words.His heap-much pretty talkIs like the tinkling streamOf babbling sweet-water that gurglesDown from the mountain springs.But like the sweet-water of the brook,That stops its pretty runningIn the swamp and stands one sleepIn the deep and quiet pools,The pretty words turn bitter-sour.
To be read in aflorid, pompousmanner.
"Gaze upon me, O my brothers,My good red brothers!The winds of fifty wintersHave blown about my head,And, lo! my hair is white with snow!The winds of fifty wintersHave blown about my head,And lo! much wisdom lodged therein!The winds of fifty wintersHave blown about my head—But, lo! they have not blown away my brains!
I am done!"
(Ho!Hi! Hi!How! How! How!)