They have not gone down to the root of all evils that give cause to the great discontent, they will never be able to establish a permanent peace and present to us a settled world.
The history of the past teaches us that we have had many wars, each more deadly, each more catastrophic, and even as the war of 1914–18 was the most deadly we have experienced for ages, so in the very near future we shall see the most bloody conflict ever waged by man. Whether it is to be a war of the races or of the nations, no one can tell, but so long as this injustice continues; so long as the strong continues to oppress the weak; so long as the powerful nations arrange among themselves to oppress the weaker ones, and to keep the more unfortunate of humanity in serfdom, and to rob and exploit them, so long will the cause of war be fed with the fuel of revenge, of hatred, and of discontent.
World Readjustment
The political re-adjustment of the world means this—that every race must find a home; hence the great cry of Palestine for the Jews—Ireland for the Irish,—India for the Indians and simultaneously Negroes are raising the cry of "Africa for the Africans", those at home and those abroad. It is a cry for political re-adjustment along natural lines, and this re-adjustment has come out of the war of 1914–18, because, we, as Negroes, realize that if (with our knowledge and experience of western civilization) we allow the world to adjust itself politically without taking thought for ourselves, we would be lost to the world in another few decades.
The Fall of Governments
The fall of nations and empires has always come about first by the disorganized spirit,—the disorganized sentiment of those who make up the nation or the empire. The one class opposing, fighting against the other, the other class seeking to deprive them of the essentials of life which are necessary for the good and well-being of all. The class that ruled in the past and the class that rules now in government, are the people who have always provoked the spirit of those who are ruled. Hence you have social revolutions, civil strife, which ultimately result in the downfall of the empire or the nation. What has happened in the past will happen again. I am not attempting to prophesy the destruction of any of the now exiting empires or nations, but the empires and nations themselves are going to their own ruin. In Europe we hear of great industrial unrests. Laborers uniting themselves and marching to the representatives of governments asking for better conditions to alleviate their suffering. Instead of the representatives seeking to pacify and satisfy those who are in need, the representatives of such governments adopt a strong-armed policy to prosecute and persecute those who suffer and appeal for aid from the nation or the empire.
Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey edited by Amy Jacques-Garvey
The Journal of Pan African Studies 2009 eBook