vine truth, men laid their heads on the block exultingly as princes ascending their thrones, and their mothers and sisters sacrificed their beloved ones for the sacred flame that spread light over the whole world. Here was born the motto, “Equality, Harmony and Fraternity”; here the drinking cup was first used as the emblem of universal brotherhood. Every man ought to look upon this place with revverence, for here stands the cradle of humanity.”
The Emperor’s face was now not only grave; it was austere, and sternly he answered the enthusiastic Countess:
“I shall not dispute with Countess Felsenburk about the fables that she has read in some chronicle, doubtless while straying, in these days of her mourning, among the dusty archives of one of her ancient castles. But I am much surprised to learn that she allowed them to affect her mind so greatly and fill it with heresy. Out of one illusion, however, as a friend I feel in duty bound to lead her, that we may avoid similar discussions when