Marlborough Express.
[With which is incorporated the Marlborough Daily Times]
NION Shipping. STEAMSHIP COY. OF NEW ZEALAND (Limited. PROBABLE SAILINGS. WELLINGTON. Takapuna, Tuesday, Oct. 3 Takapuna, Thursday, Oct. 5 Takapuna, Saturday, Oot. 6 Train 4 pr pm 4 pm NELSON WESTPORT, AND GREYMOUTH. Takapuna, Monday, Oct. 2 Mapourika Tuesday, Oct. 3 Train 4-pm 4 pm Takapuna, Wed'day, Oct. 4 4 pm
- Nelson only.
LYTTELTON FROM WELLINGTON. Daily Service (except Sunday). ONEHUNGA (Direct). Kakapo, early. Train NAPIER, GISBORNE, AND AUCKLAND. Tarawera, Thursday, October 12: MELBOURNE FROM WELLING- TON. i Paloona, Saturday, October 14. SYDNEY FROM WELLINGTON.. Manuka, Thursday, October 5. TONGA, SAMOA, AND FIJI. From Auckland. Talune, Monday, October 16. BAROTONGA & TAHITI (Pupeete). From Wellington. XMoana, Thursday, October 12th. CANADA, AMERICA, LONDON ete. From Auckland, Via Vancouver. Niagara, Tuesday, October 3rd. From Wellington. Via San Francison. Moana, Thursday, October 12th. " FOR WELLINGTON. S.S. OPAWA Will leave LEVIN'S WHARF, TUESDAY, at 9 p.m. 8.9.WATRAU WEDNESDAY, at 9 p.m. For particulars as to Passage and Freight apply- T. ECKFORD, Agent, High Street. FOR WELLINGTON. S.S. BLENHEIM Will leave CLOUSTON'S WHARF, EARLY. For particulars as to Passage and Freight apply- W. E. CLOUSTON & CO., Agents. NHAW, SAVILL, AND ALBION SHAW, 'COMPANY, LTD. THE DIRECT LINE OF STEAMERS VIA AUSTRALIA AND SOUTH AFRICA TO LONDON/ Largest Passenger Stoamers in the New Zealand Trade. Sailing (circumstances permitting): Monic Name, Date Com'd'r. of Leaving, 12332 Kolk October Athenic Tainui 18845 Crose- Dao. land 10000 Moffatt Jan. Twin-screws. Fitted with wireless telegraphy. Passages from London may be arranged here. For Rates of Passage Money and full particulars apply to the agents- LEVIN & 00., LTD. DALGETY & CO., LTD. BLENHEIM Building Society. ESTABLISHED 1876. THE above Society is prepared to tako DEPOSITS AT CALL AT -TOUR PER CENT. No better or safer investment for money at Call exists in the Dominion. Advances made on Freehold ecurity at Current Ratos. Now issues of ordinary shares in annary and July of each year. L. GRIFFITHS, Secretary. Motor-Car Painting. E aro Specialists in the painting WE of motor-oars, and have built a special dust-proot building for the work. We are also COACHBUILDERS and GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. And our prices are commensurate with First Class Workmanship. KIRBY BROS., Alfred Strost, Blenheim. Telephone 185. ध Shipping N EW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY, LTD. ROYAL LINE of MAIL STEAMERS to, PLYMOUTH to land senizers, and LONDON, PANAMA CANAL. pas via Specially fitted with Clayton's Patent FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. The following FAST PASSENGER STEAMERS Will be despatobed as under, carrymg mails: Probable Ta sail Final Steamery, TODA Port (about) Rimutaka 10130 Well'g'n Oct. Turakina 10960 Nov. Ramanera 1500 Dec Ruahine* 11000 Jan Rotoruat 11500 Feb. Twin screw. Triple screa Accommodation is not surpassed by any other line. Passages from Lon- don may be arranged at this end. For full particulars apply to N.Z JOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY, LTD. Agents for the New Zealand Shipping Company, Limited.. WHERE TO STAY IN WELLING- TON. New Commercial Hotel. 6. Minutes from Whart and G.P.O. Our Motto: Comfortable clean bede and good table; every attention. A. R. DURANT, PROPRIETOR. GOING TO DO A BIT. OF PAINTING? PRING is the time for brightening up the home entside there's no. frost to spoil the wet paint. If you are going to tittivate the fence, roof, or the whole house. GET THE PAINT FROM BYTHELL'S. Here you have your choice of the well-known BERGER brand-the paints that stand the weather test. There's a big variety of colors, also oils and brushes. Our low prices and good qualities make it advisable to "paint up" with our colors. Bythell & Co., LIMITED, TIMBER AND HARDWARE MERCHANTS, BLENHEIM. Aerogen Safety Qas. Einrention of the Aerogen incandescent gas lighting system takes away the last drawback to country life, and makes the farm- house or country residence, no matter how remote from town, as comfortable a dwelling place as ny large city mansion for it brings incandescent gas, with all its advantages, to brighten existence and make life worth living. The leading features of the Aerogen light are safety, simplicity, economy, and brilliancy. A large number of lanta are now working in this an e adjoining districte which are give the greatest satisfaction. Unsolicited testimonials constantly reaching me. All installations guaranteed, and under the personal supervision of the undersigned. JAS. A. LESLIE, Alfred Street Bridge, Blenheim. Agent for Marlborough. Telephone 165. Box 12. T BRICKS! BRICKS !! W THE undersigned has for sale and bu can supply to order FIRST-CLASS WELL-BURNT [J. BRICKS. VERCOE, Redwoodtown Brickyards. Our Showroom Is now complete with a magnificent display of THIS SEASON'S VERY LATEST TRIMMED and READY-TO-WEAR MILLINERY. Having secured the services of a practical and experienced milliner, we are now in a position for executing all orders with despatch and satisfaction. The "NEW SHOP for many years has enjoyed the distinction of being T Emporium for CHOICE, STYLISH, and BECOMING MILLINERY, and at all hazards this reputation will be maintained. DRESSMAKING. Ladies in quest of a well-fitting Costume or Chat and Skirt could not do, better than leave their orders at the "New Shop." H. V. BROWNE. Lawn Mower Time. THE days and grass grow long together and the lawn re- quires immediate attention, consequently a lan-mower will assist materially in this connection. We have a large stock on hand at present and the prices vary considerably so that all classes of orders can be promptly executed Do not procfestinate, place your order now. Garden Tools. We have a full range of garden tools, frota the tiny fork or trowel to a full sized garden seed-sower and cultivator. There are forks, and spades of all sizes, rakes, hoes, and a dozen and one" other implements. Garden Seeds. We are agents for Sutton's Seeds- the seeds of satisfaction, and all are of high germinating power. All packets are priced at fourbonce as a war economy.. Lawn Mowers Sharpened and Repaired. F. W. ADAMS Dame Fashion has placed her private "O.K." on our new White Shoes.... Ladies White Canvas Court Walk- ing Shoes, with heel bar, canvas covered heel, square white buckle, all sizes-7s 6d. Ladies' White Canvas two-button, Walking Shoes, with canvas covered heels, all sizes 76 6d. Ladies' Whito Canvas Derby Laced Walking Shoes, with canvas covered heels, all sizes-7s 6d. Jadios' White Buckskin Court Walking Shoes, tongue and pearl orantnens, very neat, whito covered heels, all sizes. 10a 6d. 7 Ladies' White Buckskin Court Walking Shoes, with heel bur and whito covered heel, all sizes-138 6d. Girls' White Buckskin Waiking Shoes, with wide bar and brooch ornu- ment. all sizes-3 to 6, 5s 6d; 7 to 10, 8s 6d; 11 to 1, 9s 6d. Girls' White Canvas Court Walki ng Shoes with heel bar and white oval huckle, all sizes-7 to 10, 5s 6d; 11 to 1, 5s 11d. White Nugget Cleaner. 6d; White Perfection Cleaner, 9d; White Voile Dry Cleaner, 6d; Blanco, 3d; Pipe Clay, 1d. R. Hannah's CoSid BLENHEIM. Late COPP & KNIGHT and W. HORTON. Manager: Mr F. V. COPP. Wemyss Bros., The Central Store. Timber Merchants, Builders Contractors, &c. GROVE ROAD. you want house well built of EVERYTHING SOLD AT WELLING- TON PRICES FOR CASH. James Benning, Ltd. GENERAL IMPORTER. Igood seasoned timber 40 10 ALFRED STREET, ELEMHEIM. WEMYSS BROS. They stock everything required in building a house. All kinds of designs on hand. Bkirting in stock and made premises. Drain Pipes, Kerosene, Sennine, and Motor Spirita on sale. Phone No. 12, Job Printing any style or calar- at "Express" Printing Works The Cheapest in Marlborough for: GROCERIES BRUSHWARE ALES, WINES & SPIRITS. AGENCIES: Spratt's Dog Biscuits. Yates Famous Garden and Farm Seeds. Writing pads of good quality paper i may be ahtained at "Express" Ofies. NOVELTIES IN SHIRTS For SMARTLY-DRESSED MEN In.SILK NETT and ZEPHYR 5/6 6/8 7/6 10/6 CALL AND SEE OUR NEW STOCK. R. VANCE, MARKET PLACE. Sir and Madam! WORD with you on a most vital matter which affects your home. TO-DAY is an ideal day for you to visit our store and make selections of anything that you need to refurnish in whole or in part. You'll find much to interest you-- many things that perhaps you thought were not to be had here--many. articles to materially add to the con- venience and comfort of House- keeping You'll soo literally thousands of articles most moderately priced that. are necessities in every well-kept home, be it mansion or modest cottage. In a word, just the things for the home at prices you can afford to pay. VISIT US TO-DAY. J. J. WENSLEY, ALFRED STREET. BLENHEIM. THE WELD STREET TIMBER YARDS. J. A. Moreland & Co., BUILDERS, &c. Large and well seasoned stocks of Timber on hand. Joinery of ell descriptions supplied shortest notice. Estimates given for Painting and Paperhanging. Your Orders Bolicited, 'Phone 209. BHOP: HIGH STREET. (Next Union Bank). § § á á á á á á á á á s Shoe Sense. THE foot supports the body. The sloo should support the foot, If it is not a perfect fitting shoe, then there is a constant strain on muscles and nerves. HEALY'S FOOTWEAR is suro to fit well because the variety is so great that almost any foot can be fitted. Elegance and quality are other features. Inspect! M. HEALY, "Put Your Feet in my Hands." BLENHEIM. The Whare Stove tells its own story! EING a Whare Stove it B is necessarily small stove it is more than that! The Whare is the neatest, most compact, most efficient Stove on the market for cot- tage or camp. It does all the cooking a gas stove will do, and is a fine crackling cheery cosy source of warmth as well. The Whare Stove burns any kind of fuelwood or coal, and is quite inexpensive. LET'S DEMONSTRATE "WHARE EFFICIENCY. Ward & Co., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, BLENHEIM. POPULAR NOTICENCULUMR. MAKE KNOWN YOUR NEEDS. WANTED Advertisomente relating to, Labor, etc.. Lost, Found, To Let, For Sale, and Short Trade Notices, of twelve words or less, aro inserted in this column for ONE SHILLING ench insertion, cash; for every addi tional word one penny. A BOOK- ING FEE of sixpence per insertion will be charged if cash does, mob accompany order. sis YOUNG, lady desires position in Millinery department; months experience. Apply for ad- dress this office. ANTED A housekeeper. Ap W ply for address us, this office. WMrs Adam Bell, Riverlands. ANTED A housemaid. Apply WATRO Apply Jolin Mowat.. WANTED.-Ploughman for Lans- Wart coal. Apply a W. Yarrall. VANTED, for few days.-Man to JANTED-Young girl to mind two children during day; sleep at home. Apply for address this office. W TANTED. A good waggoner; good wages to capable steady. man C. L. Goodman. 7ANTED.-A situation by ex- barman. Wperienced "PS," care. "Express Office. Apply WANTED Girl to mind child, 2 years old, during day: 5s week. Apply Mrs Brown, Alfred Street. WANTED. Rabbit trappers with apply by letter or telephone, Dalton Bros., Upton Downs. WANTED Growers for small lines of peus, two to four acres. Good prices and local grown seed.-F. Cooper, Ltd. YANTED. An experienced chauffeur; start work in three weeks or one month's time. Apply to H. D. Vavnsour, gbrooke. ZANTED Married couple; man garden and milk; wife plain cook No emembrance. Cottage and formd. Wages £120. Apply H. H Harris, Ben Morven. L OST, between Dr. Bennett's and Springlands. Man's overcoat. Reward at this office. I OST, on Saturday, in Blenheim, Green Morocco purse, containing enamel notes, silvor, and blue brooch. Finder rowarded on return- ing same to Express" Office. TRAYED on io Section 14, Wither. Black and white sheep dog. Recovery by payment expenses within ten days, otherwise will be de- stroyed.-D. Kennedy. ANTED TO BUY. Chrringe- built side car for motor-cycle; must be in good order. Write "Cash," "Express" Office. OR SALE Two first-class sheep dogs. loader and huntaway; also 10 pairs White Leghorn, pullets (good laving strain), all laying.-T. Yemm, Wairau Valley. Car RANK WASS, Motor Proprietor, Alfred Street, Blenheim. for hire day or night. Charges reason- ablo. 'Phone: 106. ADIES Black Patent Leather: Iced Boots, with fawn or grey cloth tops and welted soles; reduced from. 20s to 18s 11d, at Hannah's.. 7ANTED KNOWN. Rose and Sheehan aro re-opening their business to-morrow. Clothes cleaners and umbrella work. George Street, Blenheim.. Camping Time, Ahoy! THE pleasure of TENT LIFE must bo experienced to be appreciated. Try it now. We manufacture and can SUPPLY YOU with the BEST OF TENTS. Also Sleeping Bags, Lunch Bags, Clothes Bags, Game Bags... All at the Lowest Possible Prices at S. MARSTON'S, THE TENTMAKER. Phone 225 Blenheim, POPULAR NOTICE COLUM OR SALE-1914 model Royal Enfeld motor-eselo, 3-h.p. Apply "Motor," "Express Office. CASH Wo have been £100 instructed to sacrifice a splendid Runabout Ford car at this sum. Great bargain. Perfect order. Parker's Central Garage, 2. TILITY WHITE LEGHORNS. My stock are bred for UT Ang, and are consistent winners each year in the utility classes. - Setting ready. Fertility guaranteed. taken for day-old chicks. Wanden, Opawa Poultry Yards. now ers B. RELIAPLE WRISTLET WATCHES Special Discount to Soldiers! A splendid selection, ranging from 178 6d to £5. FERRY-THE JEWELLER. READY aye READY! QUICK-FIRERS AT "GIBBARD'S." Trimined Camisoles, 1s 3d. Sununer Singlets, 6d, 9d, Is. Try our "Excelsior" Singlets, 1s 3d. Washing Blouses, 2s 6d, 3s 11d, 4s 6d. One-piece Washing Robes, 9s 11d. Striped Blousings, 6d yard. Jap Tea Cosies, 1s 11d, 2s 6d. Superior quality White Aprons, 23 6d.. Women's Plaiu Black Hose, 1s 3d; better qualities 1s 6d, Is 11d; 239d Good line Silk Ankles, 1s 11d and 23 6d. Special line 2 x 1 Ribbed, ase, 1s 11d. Lace Curtains, Al value, 4s 6d; extra special line, wash and wear well, 60 inches wide, 7 yards in pair- only-8s 11d. Casement Cloths, from 73d yard. Choice line, artistic borders, 48 inches wide. Is 6d a yard. Dark Ground Prints, 6d yard. Light Washing Prints, 7d yard. Superior Coubrics, 9d yard. Woven Zephyrs, pink, blue, and grey, 101d. 30-inch Reversible Zephyrs, 10d. Strong Medium Calico, Gd. Men's Knitted Socks. Is 3d nair. Black Cashmere Finish, lo 3d pair. Sites Tweed Caps. Jy 6 and 2 6. Summer Singlets and Pants, 1s 6 each. Stud. Knots sind Wide-ond Ties, 1s.. Sp cial line Neglige Shirts, 4s 11d. TO INCREASE Purchasing power of YOUR INCOME LINK ON TO "GIBBARD'S." For Baby's Wear You will find everything you require at E. & J. WALTON'S. WE specialise in INFANTS* CLOTHING: Layettes at £1 is and £2 2s always on hand." A Large Supply of Gowns, Robes, Vests, Long Flannels, Binders, Shawls, Bonnets, eto. All Prices to suit all purses. E. & J. WALTON. Market Street South. 'Phone 187. SPRAY YOUR TREES NOW. TB have a good selection of SPRAY PUMPS of the beat W SPET make. AL80: Fresh Rock Limo. Best Blue Stone, Best Sulphur. Best Spraying Oil. Caustin Soda. Caustic Potash. Arsenate of Lead. Garden Tools of every description W. CARR, Market Street South. THE UP-TO-DATE SHOP. PLANT NOW! ABBAGE, CAULIFLOWER, and LETTUCE PLANTS. Also ASPARAGUS ROOTS. JOHN HALE & SONS. SPRINGLANDS NURSERIES, There's no place like the "Express"* Wanted Caluiun for quick returns,