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The Tragicall History

Homo fuge, whither should I fly?
If unto heaven, he'le throw mee down to hell.
My senses are deceiv'd, he'res nothing writ:
O yes, I see it plaine, even here is writ
Homo fuge, yet shall not Faustus flye.

Ile fetch him somewhat to delight his minde. Exit.

Enter Devils, giving Crownes and rich apparell to
Faustus: they dance and then depart.
Enter Mephostophilis

What meanes this shew? speake Mephostophilis.

Nothing Faustus, but to delight thy mind,
And let thee see what Magicke can performe.

But may I raise such spirits when I please?

I Faustus, and doe greater things then these.

Then Mephostophilis receive
A deed of Gift, of body and of soule:
But yet conditionally, that thou performe
All Covenants and Articles betweene us both.

Faustus, I sweare by Hell and Lucifer,
To effect all promises betweene us both.

Then heare me read it Mephostophilis,
On these conditions following.

First, that Faustus may be a spirit in forme and substance.

Secondly, that Mephostophilis shall be his servant, and bee by him commanded.

Thirdly, that Mephostophilis shall doe for him, and bring him whatsoever.

Fourthly, that he shall be in his chamber, or house invisible.

Lastly, that he shall appear to the said John Faustus at all times, in what shape and forme soever he please.

I John Faustus of Wittemberg, Doctor, by these presents, doe give both body and soule to Lucifer, Prince of the East, and his Minister, Mephostophilis, and furthermore grant unto them that foure and twenty yeares being expired, and these Articles above written being inviolate, full power to fetch or carry the
