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of Doctor Faustus

And interdict from Churches Priviledge,
And all societie of holie men:
He growes too proud in his authoritie,
Lifting his lofty head above the clouds,
And like a steeple over-peeres the Church.
But wee'll pull downe his haughty insolence:
And as Pope Alexander, our Progenitor,
Trod on the necke of Germane Frederick,
Adding this golden sentence to our praise;
That Peters heirs should tread on Emperors,
And walke upon the dreadfull Adders backe,
Treading the Lyon and the Dragon downe,
And fearlesse spurne the killing Basilisk:
So will we quell that haughtie Schismatique,
And by authoritie Apostolicall
Depose him from his regall government.

Pope Julius swore to Princely Sigismond,
For him, and the succeeding Popes of Rome,
To hold the Emperors their lawfull Lords.

Pope Julius did abuse the churches rites,
And therefore none of his decrees can stand.
Is not all power on earth bestow'd on us?
And therefore though we would we cannot erre.
Behold this silver belt whereto is fixt
Seven golden scales fast sealed with seven seales,
In token of our seaven-fold power from heaven,
To bind or loose, locke fast, condemne, or judge,
Resigne, or seale, or what so pleaseth us.
Then he and thou, and all the world shall stoope,
Or be assured of our dreadfull curse,
To light as heavie as the pains of Hell.

Enter Faustus and Mephosto. like the Cardinals.

Now tell me Faustus, are we not fitted well?

Yes, Mephostophilis, and two such Cardinals
Ne'er serv'd a holy Pope, as we shall doe.
But whilst they sleepe within the Consistorie,

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