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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/14

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[ vi ]

upon your Merit; not indeed, by its Irradiations, to make it more conspicuous, that were impoſſible, ſo unrivalled is your Fame; but to afford his affectionate Subjects indubitable Proofs of his Diſcernment and Juſtice, of which indeed the far greater Part of them require no other Evidences than what his Majeſty has already afforded.

And though the utſatisfied Humours of ſome falſe Pretenders to Patriotiſm, have riſen into Ferments of Oppoſition; and they have, more than hinted at a Breach of the Royal Oath, ſolemnly ſworn at his Majeſty’s Coronation; and talked of the abſolute Treaſon of Miniſters againſt the State—repreſenting the Meaſures reſpecting America, as open, violent, and audacious. Breaches of the moſt ſacred Part of the Conſtitution; augmenting the utter Deſtruction of Freedom, and Eſtabliſhment of Deſpotiſm: Yet of theſe ominous Fears and diſaſtrous Conjectures we are happily freed by the late able Vindi-
