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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/44

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[ 20 ]

With what laborious Struggles againſt Prejudice and Inclination, with what Efforts of Reaſoning and Pertinacity of Self-denial, I have prevailed upon myſelf to ſacrifice the Honour of this Monument to the Love of Truth, none who are unacquainted with the Fondneſs of a Commentator will be able to conceive. But this Inſtance will be, I hope, ſufficient to convince the Public that I write with Sincerity, and that whatever my Succeſs may be, my Intentions are good.

Where we are to look for our Author it ſtill remains to be conſidered, whether in the high Road of public Employments, or the Bye-paths of private Life.

It has always been obſerved of thoſe that frequent a Court, that they ſoon, by a kind of Contagion, catch the regal Spirit of neglecting Futurity. The Miniſter forms an Expedient to ſuſpend or perplex an Enquiry into his Meaſures for a few Months, and applauds and triumphs in his own Dexterity. The Peer puts off
