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be ſtruck upon by the Horſ, or broken by the Plough, then ſhalt thou, my Country, be aſtoniſhed with Terrors, and drowned In Tears, then ſhall thy Towns found with Lamentations, as thy Shores with the Roarings of the Waves: Theſe are the Words literally rendered, but how are they verified? The Lake is dry, the Stone is turned up, but there is no Appearance of this diſmal Scene. Is not all at Home Satisfaction and Tranquillity? all Abroad Submiſſion and Compliance? Is it the Intereſt or Inclination of any Prince or State to draw a Sword againſt us? and are we not nevertheleſs ſecured by a numerous Standing Army, and a King who is himſelf an Army? Have our Troops any other Employment than to march to a Review? Have our Fleets encountered any thing but Winds and Worms? To me the preſent State of the Nation ſeems ſo far from any Reſemblance to the Noiſe and Agitation of a tempeſtuous Sea, that it may be much more properly compared to the dead Stillneſs of the Waves before a Storm.