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reſtrained? Are not the Riches of the World our own? Do not our Ships ſail unmoleſted, and our Merchants traffick in perfect Security? Is not the very Name of England treated by Foreigners in a Manner never known before? Or if ſome ſlight Injuries have been offered, if ſome of our petty Traders have been ſtopped, our Poſſeſſions threatened, our Effects confiſcated, our Flag inſulted, or our Ears cropped, have we lain ſluggiſh and unactive? Have not our Fleets been ſeen in Triumphat Spithead? Did not Hoſier viſit the Baſtimentos? and is not Haddock now ſtationed at Port Mahon?
En quoque quod Mirum,
Quod dicas denique dirum,
Sanguinem Equus ſugit,
Neque Bellua victa remugit.
And, yet more ſtrange! his Veins a Horſe ſhall drain,
Nor ſhall the paſſive Coward once complain.