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Were I to proceed in the ſame Tenour of Interpretation, by which I explained the Moon and the Lilies, I might obſerve that a Horſe is borne in the Arms of Hanover. But how then does the Horſe ſuck the Lion’s Blood? Money is the Blood of the Body Politic.—But my Zeal for the preſent happy Eſtabliſhment will not ſuffer me to purſue a Train of Thought that leads to ſuch ſhocking Concluſions. The Idea is deteſtable, and ſuch as, it ought to be hoped, can enter into the Mind of none but a virulent Republican, or Bloody Jacobite. These is not one honeſt Man in the Nation unconvinced how weak an Attempt it would be to endeavour to confute this Inſinuation. An Inſinuation which no Party will dare to abet, and of ſo fatal and definitive a Tendency, that it may prove equally dangerous to the Author whether true or falſe.[1]
- ↑ Could the Author of the Falſe Alarm, and Taxation no Tyranny, be ever ſuppoſed to have written this virulent Attack?—No! Conjecture itſelf is put to Flight.