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Page:Marmor Norfolciense.djvu/69

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[ 45 ]

Expence of the Public, would doubtleſs be very agreeable to the generous Deſign of the Author, yet he hoped that as all the Students, either of Politics or Antiquities, would receive both Pleaſure and Improvement from the Diſſertation, with which it is accompanied, none of them would regret to pay for ſo agreeable an Entertainment.

It cannot be wondered that I have yielded at laſt to ſuch weighty Reaſons, ſuch inſinuating Compliments, and choſen to gratify at once the Inclinations of Friends, and the Vanity of an Author. Yet I ſhould think I had very imperfectly diſcharged my Duty to my Country, did I not warn all whom either Intereſt or Curioſity ſhall incite to the Peruſal of this Treatiſe, not to lay any Streſs upon my Explications.

How a more complete and indiſputable Interpretation may be obtained, it is not eaſy to fay. This will, I ſuppoſe, be readily granted, that it is not to be ex-
