Page:Marriage Act 1961 from statute book.djvu/5

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Act No. 25 of 1961.

paragraph (a) of sub-section (2) may be made during such a service on such day instead of on a Sunday.

Certificate of publication of banns.

15. (1) Any minister of religion of a congregation where banns of marriage have been published shall, on the application of any person and on payment to him of the prescribed fee (if any), issue to such person a certificate to the effect that the said banns were published.

(2) The said certificate shall state the full christian name and surname, marital status and residential address of each party in question as well as the dates on which or period during which publication of the banns was made, and may contain such further particulars as such minister of religion may think fit.

Banns published outside the Union.

16. (1) Banns of marriage published in a country outside the Union shall for the purposes of this Act be regarded as having been published in the Union, but a marriage officer shall not solemnize any marriage in pursuance thereof unless there is produced to him the prescribed proof that such banns were duly published according to the law of such country.

(2) The provisions of section twenty-one shall mutatis mutandis apply with reference to such banns.

Notice of intention to marry.

17. (1) Any party who desires to cause a notice of intention to marry to be published shall apply in writing to any officer or employee in the diplomatic or consular service of the Union authorized by the Minister to publish notices of intention to marry, or to any magistrate, special justice of the peace or native commissioner to publish such notice.

(2) Such application shall―


bear the signature of each of the parties desiring to marry, duly dated by him or her; and


state the full christian name and surname, age, marital status and residential address of each of the said parties.

(3) If the person to whom such application is made is satisfied that the applicant has resided in the country outside the Union or in the district or area in respect of which he holds office, for a period of at least fourteen days immediately preceding the date of the receipt of the application, he shall publish such notice and shall do so by posting such notice up in a conspicuous place in, on or in the immediate vicinity of his office or court for an unbroken period of fifteen days.

(4) If only one of the parties in question has so resided in such country, district or area it shall for the purposes of section twelve be deemed that only such party caused such notice to be published.

(5) Every notice referred to in sub-section (3) shall state the full christian name and surname, marital status and residential address of each of the parties desiring to marry.