Ord. No. 68/70
- jurisdiction and powers in respect of ancillary relief and the protection of children as it would have had under Parts VI and VII if the court had pronounced a final decree of divorce.
- (2) Where the parties to a marriage which is dissolved in accordance with Part V of the Marriage Reform Ordinance 1970 have agreed as to the amount of alimony to be payable after the dissolution by the former husband to the former wife for her maintenance and have recorded the terms of that agreement as part of the agreement or memorandum dissolving the marriage, subsection (1) shall not have effect to confer jurisdiction at any time on any court in respect of alimony for the maintenance of that former wife.”.
(2) Section 38 of the Marriage Ordinance is repealed andreplaced with effect from the appointed day by the following—
- “Marriage under Ordinance of persons customarily married.
- 38. The parties to any non-Christian customary marriage duly celebrated according to the personal law and religion of the parties before the appointed day under the Marriage Reform Ordinance 1970 may, unless the husband has any other wife, contract with each other a marriage under this Ordinance; and such a marriage shall not invalidate the previous customary marriage.”.
Passed by the Hong Kong Legislative Council this 8th day of July, 1970.
R. J. Frampton,
Deputy Clerk of Councils.
This printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the bill, and is found by me to be a true and correctly printed copy of the said bill.
R. J. Frampton,
Deputy Clerk of Councils.