the truly Christian party in Germany, or it. will repress all their eue|¥ie¢. It is a question of social demornlization and destruction, or o social coulervation and regeneration, not for Britain only, but for the world. It is a question of domestic life and its comforts, it.; most reimd affections and its exquisite charities; of sensuality and its grossness, its suspicions, alienatinns, emharrassmenhl, and anxieties. I! is e question of the favour of God and of the wrath of God; of the blessing which brings prosperity, and of the 'udgmentzs which till at once a whole sintiil land with amazement anrll woe. God forbid that our legislators should be like Jeraboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to lin; or that s people who have virtually the making of their own laws, should forget their responsibility to the great Law- giver and Lord ofnll l mmf 19, nm.